i. Parameter control
Parameter control is a type of control method used in dw tables. It has two basic features: first, it uses a parameter set, where each parameter has a range of setting. Second, it uses input variables to control the parameters, such as temperature, pressure, etc., so that the parameter values change with the values of the input variables. This type of control method is suitable for dw systems where different chemical components are needed to be controlled in different conditions.
ii. State control
State control is another type of control method used in dw tables. In this method, a set of states is created and assigned to different parameters. When the input variables are changed, the table automatically adjusts the set of states so that the output parameters are optimized for the current state. This type of control method is suitable for dynamic situations where the input variables vary constantly.
iii. Input-constraint control
Input-constraint control is a type of control method used in dw tables. It has two features. First, it requires the input variables to be within certain range, so that the table can optimize the output parameters. Second, it takes into account the relationships between the input variables and the output parameters, so that the output parameters are determined based on the external conditions. This type of control method is suitable for complex systems where the input variables and output parameters have multiple dependencies.
iv. Setpoint control
Setpoint control is a type of control method used in dw tables. It uses a setpoint value to adjust the parameters of the dw table. This means that the table continuously adjusts its parameters according to the setpoint value and the input variables. This type of control method is suitable for dw systems where the parameters need to be constantly adjusted to meet the setpoint requirements.
v. Logic control
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